superintendent seal- palmyra seal in black and white with plows and palm trees

This video on the Superintendent's page is  part of an ongoing series with our Interim Superintendent, Mr. Mark Pease.

Mr. Pease caught up with  a few of our Juniors & Seniors at a recent Renaissance Gold Slip Breakfast.  These breakfasts honor students who have been written up for doing something good & feature admin chefs cooking up the best pancakes!

Here he is chatting with students about the District's upcoming Bond Referendum, what that means & what it means for them individually. Check out the student video,  the Superintendent home page and catch Mr. Pease at an upcoming event!  

#PalmyraProud of our new chief school administrator!
#PalmyraProud of our high school students!
#PalmyraProud of our plans to GROW! Help us Grow!